Regulations for Paid Ambulatory Healthcare

Section 1. Centrum Kompleksowej Rehabilitacji Sp. z o.o., based on Chapter XII of the Organizational Regulations, establishes the rules for providing commercial healthcare services as outlined in this regulation.

Section 2.

  1. Ambulatory healthcare services are provided for a fee to: a) Individuals not entitled to publicly funded services for each provided service; b) Individuals entitled to publicly funded services for healthcare services: i) Not guaranteed under health insurance and therefore not publicly funded; ii) Provided without a referral from a healthcare insurance physician; iii) Provided at the patient’s request; iv) Not covered by agreements between the Company and the National Health Fund.
  2. Patients intending to avail themselves of fee-based healthcare services are required to report to the Registration desk and pay the full fee for the provided service.
  3. Registrations register and maintain records of ambulatory consultations and procedures provided for a fee, and carry out settlement activities with the patient for the services rendered, in accordance with the principles and Price List of services determined by the Company’s Management Board.
  4. The amount of fees for the services referred to in paragraph 1 is determined by the Management Board in the form of a Resolution.
  5. Fees for provided services covered by the Price List are paid at the Registration desk.
  6. Healthcare services are provided by medical professionals or individuals with the appropriate qualifications to perform the given services.

Section 3.

  1. Fees for medical services offered in a specific organizational unit of Centrum Kompleksowej Rehabilitacji Sp. z o.o. are paid by the patient before the implementation of the service, subject to paragraph 2.
  2. In the case of a treatment cycle, the patient pays the due fee for the entire cycle of procedures no later than on the first day of commencing the procedures.

Section 4. The patient has the right to change the scheduled dates of medical services: a) No later than 9:00 a.m. on the day when the scheduled service is to be performed after 2:00 p.m.; b) No later than 7:00 p.m. the previous day before the scheduled service to be performed between 6:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Section 5. The patient forfeits the right to a refund of the fee mentioned in Section 3, and the service is considered rendered if: a) The patient requests a change in the scheduled dates of medical services without adhering to the deadlines specified in Section 4; b) The patient fails to attend the scheduled medical services.

Section 6. Centrum Kompleksowej Rehabilitacji Sp. z o.o. refunds the fee mentioned in Section 3 solely in the case of: a) Documented illness of the patient that permanently prevents the use of the purchased procedures; b) The patient’s death.

Section 7. In the event that a scheduled medical service is not provided due to reasons attributable to Centrum Kompleksowej Rehabilitacji Sp. z o.o., the patient has the right to request a new appointment or a refund of the paid fee.

Section 8. The Management Board of the Company has the right to establish different rules for the implementation of a treatment cycle, especially regarding the regulations specified in Sections 4-6, by defining them in a separate regulation accessible to patients.

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